Monday, May 27, 2013

DIY Re-fabricated Zori

For my wedding shoes, I knew I wanted something super comfortable and something that reflected my culture.  I honestly didn't think it mattered what shoes I wore, because you can't really see them under such a long dress. 

I decided to re-fabricate some zori I had from when I worked in Japan.  The zori originally had dark blue, red, and black fabric.

I basically untied the fabric from an old pair of zori, paying CLOSE attention to how it was tied - so I could re-tie it later!  I replaced the string with one that matched my fabric.  Then I replaced the old fabric, with the same fabric used to make the ring bearer pillow (the leftover fabric from some pillows I had made from our family room).  I originally tried to use the obi fabric, but it was just too stiff, I could not manipulate the fabric the way I wanted to.

I also added a snippet of a thick piece of tubing I found around the house, to the part where the ribbon comes out of the top of the zori.   This was so the string would not cut in between my toes. 

Cost . . . $0!  (I only used materials I already had).
 Photographed by Quinn Photography
Photographed by Quinn Photography (but, cropped by the bride). 

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