Saturday, November 17, 2012

DIY Wedding Crafts - Origami Flower Centerpieces

In addition to the origami flower bouquets, we made origami centerpieces!  (Inspired by etsy ) Again, using regular printer paper in different colors, and Japaneses newspaper.  We made about 25 centerpieces.  Each centerpiece had about 17 flowers - each with 5 petals - needless to say . . . we did a lot of folding!  But, we saved a lot of money!

First, we purchased a bundle of small shipping boxes for cheap (at most, $1/box).  I wrapped/glued a thick brown ribbon around the middle of the box (cheap find from a local flea market).

Then, I bunched a bunch of old recycled papers (i.e. our old junk mail! $0!) into a ball.  I used many layers, so that it would fit tightly into the box.  To hide the outer layer, I wrapped old white tissue paper (leftover from gifts we received) around the ball and taped the bottom.  The ball was then stuffed into the box - with the top sticking out just a tad, in order to create a rounded dome, on top.

Next, I hot glued about 9 flowers in a circle, to the tissue paper - creating the bottom level.  About 6-7 flowers were in the next layer up.  Then I bunched up a small wad of tissue paper, glued it to the top of the dome, and added 1 flower in the middle (otherwise the top flower would look like it sunk in).  I used strips of paper to fill in the gaps between flowers (I glued the 2 ends of the paper to the tissue paper dome - so that they were a U-shape).,
 Photographed by Quinn Photography

The centerpieces were placed upon a rounded mirror surrounded by tea lights (provided by our venue).  Guests were able to take home the centerpieces.  We also have a few displayed in our home.,
 Photographed by Quinn Photography,
Photographed by Quinn Photography

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